فهرست مطالب

نشریه روان شناسی فرهنگی زن
پیاپی 5 (پاییز 1389)

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1389/09/01
  • تعداد عناوین: 8
  • ساره تربیت* صفحات 9-18

    فمینیسم جنبشی اجتماعی بود که مانند دیگر حرکت های پیشرو و تاثیر گذار در غرب، ابتدا در ادبیات و هنر شکل گرفت و سپس از طریق آثار ادبی و هنری وارد حوزه ی مسایل سیاسی و اجتماعی شد. از این رو زن محوری به عنوان یکی از موضوعات جدی شعر معاصر به مقوله ای قابل بحث و بررسی تبدیل گردید. در این میان غزل سرایی چون سیمین بهبهانی با ظهور خویش به یکباره سرنوشت زن حاضر در غزل امروز را به گونه ای دیگر رقم زد و به تصویر گری از زنی مشغول شد که تا پیش از این در غزل فارسی مسبوق به سابقه نبود. بزرگترین هنر سیمین در غزل، گذاشتن زبان در دهان زنی است که تا پیش از این چون گنگ خواب دیده، قدرت سخن گفتن نداشت. به همین مناسبت نگارنده بر آن شد تا برای اشاره روشن تر به این مقوله در شعر معاصر، به بررسی غزلی چند از این شاعر اهتمام ورزد.

    کلیدواژگان: سیمین بهبهانی، نقد فمینیستی، غزل
  • غلامرضا پاشا، سعید بختیارپور، گیتی اخوان* صفحات 19-30

    هدف این پژوهش بررسی تاثیر موسیقی فعال بر حافظه و توجه بیماران اسکیزوفرنیای مرکز شفاء دزفول بود. نمونه ی این پژوهش 28 نفر زن بود که بصورت تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. آزمودنی ها به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایشی(15 نفره) و گروه کنترل(13نفره)گمارده شدند.  طرح تحقیق از نوع پیش آزمون، پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. گروهای آزمایشی در 12 جلسه 2 ساعته موسیقی درمانی شرکت داشتند. ابزارهای اندازه گیری این پژوهش  آزمون حافظه کیم کاراد و آزمون مربع دنباله دار بودند. برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از روش تحلیل کوواریانس چند متغیری(MANCOVA) استفاده  شد. نتایج نشان داد که آموزش موسیقی فعال بر حافظه و توجه بیماران اسکیزوفرن تاثیر دارد.

    کلیدواژگان: اسکیزوفرنیا، حافظه، توجه، موسیقی درمانی
  • شهنام ابوالقاسمی، سارا ساعدی، ندا موری نجف آبادی* صفحات 31-47

    هدف از این پژوهش بررسی اثربخشی تجسم هدایت یافته و معنادرمانی بر میزان افسردگی، اضطراب و امیدواری زنان مبتلا به سرطان بیمارستان شفا اهواز بود. نمونه این پژوهش را 42 نفر از زنان بیمار مبتلا به سرطان تشکیل دادند که به صورت تصادفی ساده در دو گروه آزمایشی و یک گروه کنترل قرار گرفتند. ابزارهای مورد استفاده در این پژوهش عبارت بودند از: افسردگی بک، اضطراب کتل و امیدواری میلر. طرح پژوهش، شبه تجربی و از نوع پیش آزمون و پس آزمون با گروه گواه بود. پس از انتخاب تصادفی گروه های آزمایشی و کنترل، ابتدا برای هر سه گروه، پیش آزمون اجرا گردید، سپس مداخله آزمایشی1 (آموزش تجسم هدایت یافته) و مداخله آزمایشی2 (آموزش معنادرمانی) به گروه های آزمایش ارایه گردید و پس از اتمام برنامه آموزشی، پس آزمون گرفته شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها به روش تحلیل کواریانس چند متغیره (مانکوا) نشان داد آموزش تجسم هدایت یافته و معنادرمانی در کاهش افسردگی، اضطراب و افزایش امیدواری زنان سرطانی موثر و کارآمد هستند و در این میان روش معنادرمانی تاثیر بیشتری بر متغیرهای وابسته داشت.

    کلیدواژگان: تجسم هدایت یافته، معنادرمانی، اضطراب، افسردگی، امیدواری
  • مرجان علیزاده* صفحات 49-59

    یکی از مباحث اساسی در زمینه ی توسعه، میزان بهره گیری درست و منطقی از توانایی ها و استعدادهای نیروی انسانی هر جامعه است. نقش اشتغال در پویایی زندگی انسان انکار ناپذیر است و می توان آن را کانون ارتباطات انسانی و اجتماعی تلقی نمود. در جهت این پویایی بی تردید زنان، به عنوان نیمی از جمعیت، تاثیر مستقیمی در توسعه ی جامعه دارند زیرا هدف هر جامعه ای، به حداکثر رساندن رفاه اجتماعی است و رفاه اجتماعی تابعی از درآمد سرانه، توزیع عادلانه ی درآمد، بهبود سطح امکانات آموزشی، بهداشتی، رفاهی و میزان مشارکت اجتماعی، اقتصادی، فرهنگی، سیاسی مردان و زنان و . . . می باشد. در این مقاله به بررسی نقش اشتغال زنان در توسعه پرداخته شده است.

    کلیدواژگان: اشتغال، توسعه، زن
  • سیده سمیه موسوی*، احمدرضا عمانی، محمدصادق اللهیاری صفحات 61-69
  • حسن حیدری، یوسف ابراهیمی نسب* صفحات 71-84
  • کریم گلشنی راد* صفحات 85-98
  • پرویز عسگری، پروین احتشام زاده، سهیلا پیرزمان* صفحات 99-110
  • S. Tarbiat * Pages 9-18

    Feminism has been a social movement that, like other developing schools in the West, first took shape in arts and literature, and it then contributed to the social and political issues through literary works. Therefore the concentration on the role of women has turned into one of the most serious subjects in the contemporary poetry. Within this context a sonneteer like Simin Behbahani emerged in the contemporary literature and changed the attitude of the society towards women, and depicted women in a way that it had never been noticed in the preceding Persian sonnets. The most important works Behbahani has done is that she has presented women in a way that they would talk for themselves and gain the power of expression. Thus an attempt is made in this article by the author to analyze few important sonnets of the above-mentioned poet in order to display women’s role in the social life.

    Keywords: Feminism, Women, Simin Behbahani, Feminist Criticism, Sonnet
  • GH.Pasha, S.Bakhtiyar-pour, G.Akhavan* Pages 19-30

    This research has been done to closerve the effect of Active Music on memory and attention of schizophrenia patient. In this research, 28 femaleWere chosen by random simple sampling. They also were divided in 2 groups by random simple sampling. The experimental group (15 female) and The control group (13 female). The research design was the type of pretest, post-test with control group. The experimental group took part in 12 sessions of two –hour music therapy. The measurement tools consisted of : Kim karad memory test and the accuracy comet square test.Data were analysed by multivariable covariance analysis (MANCOVA). The results showed is effects active music education on memory and attention patient of schizophrenia.

    Keywords: schizophrenia. memory.Attention, musicotheraphy
  • Sh. Abolghasami, S. Saeadi, N. Morri Najaf* Pages 31-47

    The target of this study was to determine The effectiveness of guided imagery and logo therapy on depression, anxiety and hopefulness in women with cancer in Ahwaz. The subjects were 42 female patients with cancer in Ahwaz Shafa hospital that were selected by simple sampling and divided into two groups experimental (Guided Imagery group and logo therapy group) and one control group. The research was experimental type of pre-test and post-test with control group. The measurement instruments of the research were Cattel Anxiety Questionnaire(CAQ), Beck Depression Indicator(BDI), Miller hopefulness Questionnaire. Pre-test was preformed for both groups , then, the experimental group underwent training sesions and techniques of guided imagery and logo therapy. After applying the intervention, the three groups were tested again. For analyzing the data covariance Multivariate Analysis method (Mancova) were used. Results indicated that guided imagery training and logo therapy were effective on depression, anxiety and hopefulness in women with cancer in Ahwaz., and logo therapy was more effective than guided imagery.

    Keywords: Guided Imagery, logotherapy, Depresstion, Anxiety, hopefulness, cancer
  • M. Alizadeh * Pages 49-59

    One of the major topics in the field of development, just and reasonable rate of utilization of human resources capabilities and talents of each society. The role of employment in the dynamics of human life is undeniable, And it can be seen as human and social communication. To the dynamics of doubt, women are as half of the population, a direct impact on community development. Because the aim of every society, is to maximize social welfare And social welfare function of per capita income, fair distribution of income, improve educational facilities, health, welfare and social participation rate, economic, cultural, political men and women.

    Keywords: Women Employment, Social Development
  • S. S. Mosavi*, A.R. Omani, M.S. Alahyari Pages 61-69

    The main goal of this research was to study participation barriers of rural women in agricultural production activities. The type of the study was an applied research. To determine the barriers of rural women's participation descriptive and factor analysis techniques were implemented as well. The Sample included 288 rural women that were selected by incidental sampling procedure( with in reach). Based on the resulted outcome the rural women, retained an average level in terms of social features (social participation and social status). More use of factor analysis techniques determined the factors affecting the non-participation of rural women in production activity. The Bartlett test value (3848.876 )and KMO test (0.09) showed that the data were suitable for factor analysis. The results also indicated that five factors generally explained the %51 of the rural women's non participation in productive activities obstacles and problems.The factors were respectively, social structure, cultural structure, economic barriers, educational barriers and agricultural lands structure.

    Keywords: Rural women, cultural barriers, social barriers, agricultural production
  • H. Haydari, Y. Ebrahimi Nasab* Pages 71-84

    The history of humanity civilization is a scale that can wiegh the position of right in past and present. when observing the rights of humans in the passage of time, the women rights have lawmakers` mistake, the reason of their mistake in making the tyrannical law against a half of society`s body was that they did not know to need the Islam school, and it were relying upon the defeated knowledge of humanity, and make up the human blessing on the basis of their imperfect mind`s senses. Of course, there have also been some pro fit – makers among them whom by using the chance to achieve their dirty goals, also demodify God`s instructions and messages. “Ministquio” in the book of “the spirit of rules” says: “The Japanese courts to penalize the criminal and rule broker women, make them naked in public squares of city for looking by people, and made them walking like four – leg animals.” Searching in the humans rights in history wether men or women is not such sweet, but the fate of women has been bitter for them in along with abusing for the numbers of temporary men. What the history has seen for exploiting of women rights drive us to review the past event of humans in the field of women rights before emerging the Islam, and present in a available short article. The present writing includes a glance at the women rights in civilizations before Islam, and tries to compare the woman right with the Islamic civilization and their rights in the temporary age. Woman before than the present developed and desirable position, everywhere and everywhen except in a valued, short and small periods of time, under the Islam light, assumed as human in different types and levels, non – human element, semi – human , infant, unallowed and or with the least right. On the way, the civilized nations are also not less than primitive and uncivilized societies. What has came in details in the following lines is a glance at women position in different societies and tribes approving the claim through the history.

    Keywords: woman right, woman, life, the humanity trainer, woman through the history
  • K. golshani rad* Pages 85-98

    In Sassanied Period Iran Economy had arrived to an advanced development t. Due to the most of the population had been farmers, so agriculture was the main sector of Iranian society economy while commerce , trade and different industries to grow up. Woman in that time was the“ kadbanoo” of family and she to accomplished all of the indoor home and family affairs. From law stands if in marriage contract they set condition that women could have involve in outdoor economical affairs , after the marriage the man couldn’t prevent the women to accomplish financial and outdoor economical activities.

    Keywords: Women, Economy, Sassanied Period, Family, Wealth, Possession
  • P. Asgari, P. Ehteshamzadeh, S. Pirzamani* Pages 99-110

    The aim of this research was the relationship of social acceptance, sex-role (androgyny) with psychological well-being in female students of Islamic Azad University branch Andimeshk. The sample of this research contained 160 individuals that they were selected based on simple random sampling from all male and female students of Islamic Azad University branch Andimeshk. Crown and Marlo social acceptance Scale, Bem sex- role inventory and psychological well – being Ryff Scale were used for data collecting. present research was from correlation type and the results of data analysis by using person correlation factor and multivariable regression in meaningful level (P < 0/05) are showed that there is meaning full positive relationship between social acceptance and psychological well-being. There is meaning full positive relationship between androgyny and psychological well-being. Also, findings were showed that there is meaning full multiple relationships between social acceptances, androgyny with psychological well-being.

    Keywords: social acceptance, psychological well-being, sex-role (androgyny)